Get Adorable Eyes with Laser Treatment
You can actually change your eye color permanently with the aid of a laser treatment. The difference is only with brown-eyed people is that the front layer of their eyes, which is known as Stroma, contains an abundance of melanin and pigment give skin and hair color. Now days’ permanent eye color change with laser is quite easy but make sure the precautions you should follow after the treatment to avoid critical issues. Permanent eye color change procedure typically costs between $5,000 to $7,000. Eye surgeon unfolds a prosthetic iris and spreads it from top of the natural iris and it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes per eye but there are some risks include within it: • Endothelial cell loss • Ocular hypertension • Chronic uveitis • Deformed pupil and • Alteration of cornea Can we change eye color naturally? In short no, you cannot change it completely because; pigment melanin determines your eye color and if any person has eyes with a lot of melanin w...